CLT Doulas

Due to the pandemic we are not currently taking clients.

Charlotte's very own doula agency! Providing the Queen City with Labor Doulas, Postpartum & Newborn Doulas, Placenta Encapsulation, Childbirth Educators, and a Belly Casting artist!

Taking Care of Baby is E.A.S.Y!

Congratulations! Your new baby is here.

Now what?

Taking care of baby can be E.A.S.Y. when you follow these four simple steps.

E is for EAT

Newborns will need to eat every 2 hours during the day and at least once during the night. Once your pediatrician recognizes a healthy weight gain model, a pattern or schedule may be introduced.

If you are nursing it may become difficult to gauge how much milk your baby is consuming. Your baby should be making at least 6 wet diapers and at least 1 soiled diaper per day.

If you are bottle-feeding and breastfeeding, try utilizing a Pace-Method. Holding baby in a more upright position and holding the bottle at a near horizontal level makes baby work for the milk (like he would if he were at the breast). This slower approach eliminates the milk from pouring into baby's mouth and therefore reduces the chance of nipple preference.

Using the Pace-Method for bottle-only babies is also a great idea. Otherwise, their tiny tummies may receive an abundance of milk/formula and can cause indigestion and gas.


Activities can vary throughout the day. Perhaps you take your newborn for a walk? Baby-wearing or placing baby into a stroller is a great activity. Cruise the Little Sugar Creek Greenway, then pop into Trader Joe's for a healthy snack.

Tummy-Time is very important for the growth and shape development of your newborn's skull. This can occur on a play mat, blanket, or even by placing baby on your chest a few times a day to encourage his head from being on a flat surface i.e.: swing, bouncer, playpen, crib, etc.

S is for SLEEP

Once your baby has eaten and enjoyed an activity, your little one should be ready to sleep. Prepare a sleep routine. Change their diaper in a dim-lit space, sing a lullaby to them while you swaddle him snug. Bring your baby to your shoulder and give a little bounce while you shush in his ear. Once your baby is drowsy, lay him down on his back on a safe-sleeping surface (like a baby-box). Quietly step away and let your little one fall into a slumber on his own.

Y is for YOU

That's right. You. Take a shower. Take a nap! Grab a snack. Enjoy a HOT cup of coffee. Don't worry about the laundry or dishes. Don't fret over dinner. Take some time to recharge. We cannot give from an empty cup, so fill yours up.

Maybe it's not always that E.A.S.Y., but it can be tremendously helpful if you had a Postpartum & Newborn Doula there to help. The Charlotte Doulas are certified and have specialized their services in Newborn Care. You can hire one for 4 hours, overnight, to stay the entire week, and to even accompany your family on vacation.

Give us a buzz, we're here to help.

Charlotte Doulas is a professional doula agency serving families throughout the Metro-Charlotte area. They provide certified: birth doulaspostpartum & newborn doulas, and childbirth educators. Your CLT Doula supports every type of birth and works cohesively with your care provider. Give us a buzz, we're here to help.

Supporting Families In:

  • Ballantyne
  • Belmont
  • Charlotte
  • Concord
  • Cornelius
  • Fort Mill
  • Gastonia
  • Harrisburg
  • Huntersville
  • Indian Trail
  • Matthews
  • Monroe
  • Mooresville
  • Pineville
  • Rock Hill
  • Waxhaw
  • Weddington


Your CLT Doula Specializes In:

Aromatherapy | Baby Sign Language Education | Baby-wearing Education | Belly Casting | Cesarean Birth | Childbirth Education | Clients on Bed Rest | Cloth-diapering Education | Conceiving with ART & IVF | High Risk | Home Birth | High Medical HypnoBabies |Technology Labor & Birth | Induction | LGBTQP+ Families | Multiples | Over 40 | Plus Size Parents | Postpartum Mood Disorders | Prematurity | Sibling Support | Single Parents |Surrogates & Intended Families | Survivors of Sexual Abuse | Teens | TOLAC/VBAC | Twins